The People Have Spoken. Your Commercial Sucks

Many thanks to Jason Torchinsky at The Autopian for his kind permission to use the image above.  See Jason’s own take on this topic here:   I enjoy studying TV and radio commercials. Listening with a critical ear helps me stay on top of emerging patterns and trends in ad copywriting and production.  I […]

To Remember and Honor: These Stories Must Be Told

I have a confession to make:  I don’t know a whole hell of a lot about the military or military service, and I’m not terribly well versed in the details of the various wars and conflicts that have shaped American history and culture.  I know what I know from what I learned in school and […]

Does Your Brand Have a Voice? (Seriously. An actual, real voice?)

When you see the iconic “golden arches,” what’s your first thought?  It’s the logo for McDonald’s, of course. But equally recognizable now is the “sonic” logo that closes out every McDonald’s commercial.  That quick, catchy little piece of ear candy is a great example of the kind of familiarity companies would love to capture for […]

Tom Carvel: The Greatest Awful Voiceover Guy of All Time

  A tribute to one of TV advertising’s most famous paradoxes:  simply dreadful commercials, from a branding and marketing mastermind   Regardless of when you may be reading this essay, know that I wrote it during the change in seasons, with warm weather and brilliant sunshine ushering in those lazy, hazy days of summer. The […]

Artificial Intelligence Replacing Voiceovers? Not So Smart

AI: Worrying VOs Every so often, a hot topic sparks passionate debate in today’s highly interconnected voice acting community. I’ve noticed just such a discussion lately echoing through private Facebook groups, podcasts and even the major VO conferences.  It concerns the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to create synthetic but realistic-sounding voices to narrate a […]

Welcome to the New Home of Greg James Professional Voiceovers!

Delightful to see you!  Kick your shoes off, relax, stay awhile. In celebration of the New Year 2022 I decided to unveil this brand-new website. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking: “Greg, you do know it’s March, right?  Check your calendar, smart guy.” It’s true that I’m behind schedule.  Unluckily for me, after successfully outrunning […]