Greg's Demos

Whether it's a voice over for on-air broadcast or audio content for business or educational use, I've got you covered.

You can download or listen to samples here.


For TV and radio spots, time is precious.  You need to hit the ground running and grab attention while setting the right tone.

My naturally deep voice (an old singing teacher characterized me as easily a baritone, perhaps even a bass) lends itself well to scripts conveying authority, confidence and strength. But how about other emotions or attitudes?  Compassion?  Sarcasm?  Playfulness?  Solemnity?  Seductiveness?  Whether it’s a trusted advisor, the wry observer or an old pal, I can go there.


With the continuing post-pandemic trend in some business settings toward remote work and an ongoing reliance on the internet as a critical means for delivering information, the eLearning marketplace keeps expanding.  It also goes beyond traditional scenarios such as employee training, compliance or continuing professional education. 

A consumer needs to be walked through the online purchase process, or wants details about the latest products and services.  Patients seek assistance on medical or healthcare challenges.  Some desire advice on self-help or fitness, while others are pursuing a hobby or tinkering with their do-it-yourself project at home.  And in yet other cases people’s tastes and needs may gravitate toward something not so much educational as promotional or motivational.

Whatever it is, your content must be informative and engaging.  While broadcast commercials favor the ability to seize attention, eLearning demands that you sustain it over a longer time frame.  I’ll help you achieve this.


Let’s face it:  sometimes a job calls for something silly.  Over-the-top.  Absurd.  To paraphrase Eric “Otter” Stratton and Bluto Blutarsky from Animal House, perhaps the situation requires a really stupid gesture be done on somebody’s part.  I’m just the guy to do it!

Characters are the rulebreakers and rebels – they dare to not take anything seriously.  They drag you outside your comfort zone, to places the conventional, proper narrator isn’t allowed to occupy.  And guess what?  That’s okay.

Here are just a few of those voices inside my head…